Philippine Ambassador Spouse organizes Forum on Women, Nationalism and Family
(Left to right: Ms. MJ Uy Lami-in, Ms. Ruby Orellanes Awad, Madame Yoko Ramos-Vingno, Ambassador Constancio Vingno Jr., Ms. Karen Remo, Ms. Isabel Sy Nillas and Vice Consul Rowena Pangilinan-Daquipil)
28 May 2016 – The Philippine Embassy, in partnership with the Philippine Ladies Circle Abu Dhabi, sponsored a forum entitled “Inspiring Filipinas Towards Nationalism, Wellness and Family Cohesion.
Embassy staff and officers attended the forum together with guest teachers from The Philippine School and The Philippine Global School Abu Dhabi. Four guest speakers from different fields of expertise were invited to discuss the topics specifically assigned to them based on their background.
The first speaker was Teacher Ruby Orellanes Awad, an English teacher at the Philippine Global School, who discussed her way of promoting patriotism and nationalism to her students while using the English language as her medium of teaching. A mother and a recruitment professional, Ms. MJ Uy Lami-in, was the second speaker who inspired the participants after she shared her experiences of how she managed to foster strong family cohesion specially so that she is of a mother of four children with autism living abroad. The Editor-in-chief of the Filipino Times and Managing Director of the New Perspective Media, Ms. Karen Remo, was the third speaker who gave a motivational talk on how to dream and how to be successful. And lastly, DSWD Social Welfare Attaché Isabel Sy Nillas spoke about Women’s Wellness focused on Reproductive Health and Responsible Parenthood.
The forum was conducted in line with the National Flag Day Celebration which is commemorated every May 28 to June 12, the International Day of Action for Women’s Health which was also celebrated last May 28 and the International Day of Families which happened last May 15, 2016. END
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